Traditionally, a midwife served her own community.

When I wanted to give birth in my home sixteen years ago, I searched for a Springfield-based midwife to assist me. Daniel, my husband, and I did everything locally: we grew our own food on our small urban farm, rode our bikes to go places, and bartered with our neighbors and the corner store for our basic needs. These activities anchored us in our community and made our lives rich and every exchange personal. And yet, for this most important occasion, there was no Springfield-area midwife. As I panted on my bike, riding up to Amherst for my prenatal appointments, a spark became a fire within me. Every community needs a midwife! In 2015, I started my educational journey to become one.

How we give birth to our babies matters. When we are heard and respected, given options and choice, and provided information and control, we shine from the deepest core of our beings, ready to bestow these same empowering gifts on everyone we meet. We treat others the way we were treated. And then, one new life at a time, our community widens with love.

My clients, like the people in my neighborhood, are an amazingly diverse group who come to this choice for many different reasons and with varied life experiences. As a midwife, I make no assumptions and listen to you tell your story. I strive for cultural humility in life and in work. I want you and your inner circle to emerge from your birth experience with wholeness, strength, and joy.


Marlee, born at home, Springfield, MA