We trust your body.
We trust the process of birth.
We are here to assist you, if you need us.
Midwives have ushered in new life for millenia.
We know that every individual is different. We honor this and work in sync with you. We know that you will navigate pregnancy, birth, and postpartum guided by your unique physical, emotional, psychological and social wisdom. Following your lead is not only the most joyful way to approach this process, it is also often the safest and most productive methodology for maternity care.
We work to set you up for success. In prenatal care, we discuss culturally appropriate healthy life practices in nutrition, physical movement, emotional self-care, and access to community resources. We explore tools to find your inner source of strength and calm for labor and birth. We guide you to establish postpartum support systems that propel you into parenthood with health, energy, and joy.
Jenny with newborn Charlotte, East Longmeadow, MA
Homebirth is grounded in traditional methods, modern evidence-based practice, and, most importantly, the wisdom of the pregnant person and family.
When issues arise in pregnancy, postpartum and birth, which sometimes they do, we intervene with traditional and natural methods to resolve situations unless modern medical solutions are needed. Modern midwives are not opposed to interventive obstetric care, we simply believe that most women don't need it. A low-risk pregnancy and birth, in most cases, can occur outside of a hospital setting.
Sheila with newborn Amaru, Springfield, MA
Homebirth is family-centered.
Partners, husbands, wives, children and other family members can play a central role in homebirth. At prenatal appointments, we build trust to work as a team. Decisions are collaborative. The family’s culture, belief system, and values are critical components to guiding midwifery care. Children and family members are welcome at the birth itself, if that is desired.
In the photo to the left, Legacy, the oldest daughter, ended up assisting the midwife at the birth because the labor was so quick that the second midwife didn’t make it in time. Legacy took out a notepad and paper, wrote down the important times during the birth, and then was there to hand over any materials or instruments that the midwife asked for.
Legacy, 14 years old, helping her mother moments after the birth of her sister, Springfield, MA
Homebirth is Collaborative.
We set up each client with a hospital-based midwifery practice for collaborative care. This allows us to obtain lab-work, tests, and ultrasounds, and gives the pregnant person easy access to additional services, if needed, at any stage of the process.
Zen, born at home, Springfield, MA